Tom Brooks
Jan 2 – Feb 28
Tom Brooks – Artist Statement:
Growing up in Toronto, I always loved to draw. In high school I became interested in the logic of Science and Math, as well as the creativity of Art.
At university I studied Engineering, but I found it was not creative enough for me. So I enrolled in a program called Industrial Design at Carleton University. It was here that I learned about the design process and the history of the modernist movement in design and architecture. I was intrigued by the purity of the socialist movement of minimalism. After graduation I worked as a product designer in several large and medium sized companies before becoming a Design Consultant.
As a break from design I took a night class in figure drawing at the Ottawa School of Art. Here I found a teacher that, over four years, took me through the process of finding my mature style. I started with life drawing, figure painting before settling on abstraction. Living in Ottawa gave me the opportunity to visit the national gallery and become familiar with the language of art. As I continued on my artistic journey, I became inspired by the culture of Pop Art and later by minimalism. After exploring a variety of techniques, I became confident at applying paint with a trowel. I was so intrigued by the learning process in the studio environment that I enrolled in teachers college and went on to teach communications at high school.
I took time off from painting to work and raise a family. In 2014 I had a serious motor vehicle accident. As part of my physiotherapy I returned to art. Interestingly I started back again with drawing, printmaking, and woodworking before settling back into abstraction.
Urged on by a friend I entered my work in juried shows and was pleasantly surprised by the warm reception I got. I was encouraged by the feedback and surprised to discover an enthusiastic audience for my work. I have participated in several shows like the New Art Festival in Ottawa. My goal now is to get my work out into the community and create a dialog with my audience. One of the things I really like about showing my work at a restaurant like Alice’s is that it is a vibrant thriving space at the center of the community. I hope to be able to create art and show in the community for years to come.
Born 1959, Scarborough, Ontario, Canada
Studied Engineering and Industrial Design from 1979 to 1984 Industrial Designer from 1984 to 1997 Studied Fine Art part time from 1990 to 1994 Studied Technological Education 1997 Teacher of Technology and Design from 1997 to present
Living in Carleton Place and teaching in the west end of Ottawa